Perfect Peace

  • 13 December 2020

Last year, my stepmom took me to a sign-making class. I had been wanting more scripture plaques for my room, but it was difficult to decide what I wanted to say. The above verse kept coming to my mind so I personalized it and placed it where I will be reminded daily of the way to achieve complete and total (i.e., perfect) peace.

As I read Facebook posts and talk to people across the country, I know that I am not the only one who has battled fear in the last little while. This year has been quite unsettling and, as soon as someone asks the question, What else can happen? we quickly find out. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken, and I expect that we have not come close to seeing the end of it yet. Little did I know how much I would need Isaiah 26:3 this year. Lord, help me to keep my mind on You and trust in You.

I have been struck lately by how America is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have become the land of the masks and the home of the fearful. Before you all start stoning me, I know that we humanly have reason to be concerned about COVID-19, and we should do what we can to stay well, but ultimately, life and death are in God’s hands. If I am regularly washing my hands and face, steering clear of those whom I know to be sick, taking my vitamins, and anything else that might help, I have to trust God to cover me. I do not want to cease enjoying life because I’m afraid to do anything. And if I do end up contracting COVID and dying, I will believe that it was God’s timing.

The election is a big concern to some people as well, but at this point, if you voted, there is nothing you can do but pray and keep serving God to the best of your ability. If you didn’t vote, then it’s too late to do anything at this point, so you may as well keep doing what God has called you to do. Don’t forget that this world is not our home; we’re only passing through.

If you are fearful, I encourage you to reach out to someone who will pray with you and encourage you. These are the times we most need Christ’s Body. If you are doing well keeping your mind on Christ and staying above the worries of the world, ask God to show you someone that you can be an encouragement to. I’m thankful that I do not personally know anyone who has taken their lives this year, but I’ve heard that suicide has increased. Be willing to be a listening ear for someone who is struggling and remind them that the only hope that we have is in Jesus. I am so thankful that He came. He knows what each of us is going through, and He still cares.

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