Prayer Requested for Embry Inman

  • 26 August 2012

Dear friends and prayer warriors, I am writing once again to ask you to join me in interceding for a couple who is going through a very trying time. Scott Inman (of the Triumphant Quartet) and his wife Kasey welcomed their first child into the world Friday afternoon. Their joy has turned to concern, however, as their baby has stopped breathing several times. I don’t profess to know God’s plan at this time but I do know that He loves this baby more than we can imagine. He also loves Scott and Kasey, and I’m asking Him to have mercy and grant this baby life while filling her parents with peace. Scott’s request is below. Please take a minute to touch Heaven on their behalf.

We are asking prayer for our new little girl, Embry. Early this morning she stopped breathing & has had 3 or 4 of the same episodes throughout the day. She is in ICU and they will be running test the next 3-4 days to try to find the problem. To be honest, Kasey and I are scared to death and agree that this is the hardest thing that we’ve been through. We believe in Gods plan & we also believe in Gods healing. We just want our baby girl. Yesterday was the highest high, & today has been the lowest low. Thank you for your prayers. We love you!

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  1. Beverly Morgan - August 26, 2012 at 6:20 PM

    Praying for the Inman Family. For a fix, Philippians 4:6
    “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be know to God.”

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