Skyland Records

CD Review: Silhouette (The Wisecarvers)

  • Posted on January 30, 2019 at 10:27 pm

I first heard The Wisecarvers on the National Quartet Convention’s live feed in 2017, and I was immediately impressed. I didn’t realize until I started this review that they also write their songs which is a bonus in my book. The only song they didn’t write on this recording is the hymn Amazing Grace.

Songs of special mention:

Best of Forever “I’ll be with You for the best of forever because you saved me from the worst of forever.” It’s not because of anything that I have done but because of His mercy, He saved me. I am so thankful!

When You Look at Me Am I the person God created me to be? Is He pleased with how I am living my life? Good questions to ask yourself.

You Have My Attention I love this song. It starts by painting a picture of someone who is desperate to hear from the Lord and ends with God stopping and paying attention to the soul who is fervently seeking Him.

Love You Still No matter what my future holds, God has been so good to me. He continues to be worthy of our love.

Someone Else’s Valley When things are going well, it can be easy to forget others who are hurting. This song encourages us to not forget someone else’s valley.

Potter’s Wheel is an encouraging song for those who are hurting. God will put the pieces back together. He loves you.

Other songs included are Begin With You, Jesus to Me, Silhouette, Go Down Again, and Manufactured Smiles.
